Tuesday, March 29, 2016


The cricket team list will be posted outside Room 235-A during lunch time.

Summer School

Registration for TDSB online summer school courses in July and August opens today! Come to Guidance to pick up an information sheet about how to register. Note: this registration is for online courses only - we will let you know when registration for classroom summer school courses begins. The deadline to apply for TDSB summer school co-op credit has been extended to Friday April 8th. Pick up an application to guidance.

Math Department

Attention students participating in the math team competition. There will be a meeting in Room 243 on Thursday after school. At least one representatitive from each team must attend.


Attention all students interested in trying out for the tennis team. There will be a meeting at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday in Room 243.

Meetings of the Day

  • Boys Junior Soccer - 11:30 - Room 270