Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Math Department

Attention students participating in the math team competition. There will be a meeting in Room 243 on Thursday after school. At least one representatitive from each team must attend.


Attention all students interested in trying out for the tennis team. There will be a meeting at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday in Room 243.

Dress Like a Teacher Day

Do you have a favorite teacher or teachers that you just love and want to become? Have you ever thought about dressing like them? If so, come to school on Tuesday April 5 dressed like your favorite teacher or any teacher at all for Dress Like a Teacher Day!

Varsity Soccer

Try out forms for varsity girls soccer are on the intramurals board. Try out dates are to be announced! You must have the form filled out to participate in the tryouts!

Sr. Boys Soccer

Anyone who wants to try out for the sr. boys soccer team must attend today's tryout after school.

The Bully Stop Challenge

What is the Bully Stop Challenge?
The Bully Stop Hackathon challenges participants to discuss, brainstorm, sketch and design vsolutions in the form of apps. Groups of youth will work alongside experts in tech, education, and law enforcement to develop a solution that can help eliminate syberbullying. This creative hackathon requires no coding experience!
Who Should Attend:
You should apply if you are:
  • passionate about getting involved in social justice groups and activities
  • looking for volunteer hours
  • curious about youth engagement, social media or technology
  • interested in putting an end to cyberbullying
Where and When:
April 2, 2016
9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m
Lighthouse Labs office #400 - 46 Spadina aave, Toronto
How to Apply:
Go online to https:éécanadiqansafeschools.coméeventsébullystop

Meetings of the Day

  • Club - Time - Room