Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The Library would like to announce Grade 10 student Coco Liang as Reader of the Month for February! Congratulations Coco and keep up the great reading!


There will be a very important meeting for all members in Room 266 at the second half of lunch.


Hey Bears! Have a talent? Can you sing, dance, play a musical instrument? Want to show it off, maybe even win some cool prizes for it? Then come to the SAC Talent Show after school on Wednesday, March 11th. The event will be happening in the auditorium. Remember, prizes for best talent will be awarded. See you there bears!


Hey Bears, Martingrove is getting a new mascot and we need your help designing its new t-shirt! Submit your design to the BAC mailbox anytime until March 6th. Get creative and good luck! Love, your BAC.

Math Department

The second round of the Waterloo is coming up. For grades 9 to 11 the contest is on Thursday April 16th - cost $8. For the Euclid Contest (Gr. 12), the date is Wednesday, April 15th - cost $14. Please sign up with Mrs. DiClemente or Mr. Saylor in the math office by Wednesday, March 11th.

Radio Control Club

Are you interested in radio control planes, helicopters and cars? Are you interested in a radio control club at Martingrove? There will be a meeting at lunch today to see how much interest. Go to the autoshop room 116 and see Mr. Sitt.

Indoor Soccer

Indoor soccer team has its next tryout next Wednesday after school.


Intramural floor hockey begins today. Check the schedule on the red board.

Mental Health Survey

Mental Health Survey is happening tomorrow! Bring your signed permission forms to your home form class!

Meetings of the Day

  • Peer tutoring & homework help - after school - Rm. 136
  • Prefects - Tomorrow @ Lunch - Rm. 236
  • Beacon  - @ Lunch - Rm. 140