Friday, March 6, 2015

Future Jr. Soccer Stars

Try-outs for the Jr. Boys' Soccer team begin next week on Tuesday March 10th at 7am in the gym. Please pick up your try-out form in the change room hallway. Only students who have completed their form will be allowed to try out next Tuesday.

Youth Civic Leadership Awards

Students in grade 10, 11 or 12 can nominate themselves of someone they admire for a Youth Civic Leadership Award. Awards will be given to young people who are outstanding leaders in their school or community. Awards range from $500 to $2000. Application deadline is April 3. See your Guidance counsellor for more information

March Break tours of Colleges and Universities

Every college and university in Ontario is offering special March Break programming for high school students. You can go on tours or take part in activities. Universities and colleges are eager to connect with you--check out their webpages or follow them on social media to find out about their March Break opportunities.

Meetings of the Day

  • MEC General and Exec meeting cancelled