Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jr Boys Soccer

Dismissal at 2 PM for game at NACI. Meet in foyer for tickets.

Relay for Life

In order to raise awareness and more funds for Relay for Life we are taking an ambitious goal of selling 1000 cupcakes in one day at the 50th Reunion. If you are interested in helping to decorate FRIDAY after school,. please place your name on the sign up sheet outline 101. Thanks!

Grade Rep

hey MCI Grade Rep nomination forms are now available in the SAC mailbox. Forms are for Gr 10, 11, and 12 Representatives for the 2016-2017 school year. Forms are due this Wednesday at 3:05 in the SAC mailbox.


The Mock EQAO Math test is coming up on Friday June 3. This test is mandatory for all Gr. 9 Gifted, Academic, and Applied students. This Mock test will be administered from 8:30 to 9:50 AM. A list of rooms students will write in will be posted in the Main Office. Please also note that regular scheduled classes will resume at 10:20 AM for all students. Also please ask your math teacher for more details.


Does someone in this building stand out to you? Do you want them to be recognized for their achievements inside school, in our halls, or outside school? If so pick up a nomination form for MCI's Most Important Bears from the Beacon mailbox in the office. Nomination forms are due on May 13th. Winners will be featured in the next issue of the Beaconette.


Hey MCI! It's that time of the year again, Prom! This year's theme is a Red Carpet Affair and tickets will be sold in the Conference Room at lunch this week. Tickets will be 85 for students and 100 for guests.


Tennis players who did not see Mr. Zapp must do so today, or risk not playing in tomorrow's matches.

Meetings of the Day

  • Beacon - @ Lunch