Thursday, May 26, 2016

Math Department

A message for calculus and vectors students: There will be a vectors tutorial this Saturday, May 28 from 1 to 4 PM in Rm. 103. Calculus and vectors tutorial, Saturday, 1 - 3 PM.

Boys Baseball

Please excuse the boys baseball team Monday May 30th at 11 AM for their baseball game against Richview.


This is a reminder that the deadline for the Hospital for Sick Kids summer mentorship program is Sunday. Information is in Guidance. There is also a new surgical skills workshop for Gr 9 and 10 students. Info in guidance.


The Mock EQAO math test is coming up on Friday, June 3rd 2016. The test is mandatory for all Grade 9 Pre-AP, Gifted, Academic and Applied students. This mock test will be administered from 8:30-9:50 am. A list of room students will write in will is now posted in the main Office. Please also note that regular scheduled classes will resume at 10:20 am for all students. Also, please ask your math teacher for more details.


Please return all library books by this coming Friday. If you really really need a book after this date, please talk to a teacher- librarian. Please not that if you still have outstanding books on yearbook distribution day, your yearbook will be withheld until you return your library books. Thank you.


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