Monday, December 7, 2015

Gr 12 Grad Photos

To have your grad photo taken during the week of Jan. 18 to 22 you must book your appointment online. The instructions to do so will be given out during your English class today and tomorrow. If you do not take English, please pick up the form from the main office.

MOD Subway sandwich sale

MOD will be holding a Subway sandwich sale on Friday Dec. 11. Drop by the gym hallway to pre-order your 6-inch sub. If you pre-order by the end of this week subs are only 4 dollars, pre-ordering next week is an additional 0.50 cents. Sales are from Wednesday, Dec. 2 - Wednesday Dec. 9.

Food Drive

Hey Martingrove it's that time of year again! It's the SAC's annual holiday food and clothing drive! You can bring in any non - perishable goods, gently used clothes, and toys to the boxes in your homeroom class and the class with the most in their boxes wins a pizza lunch hosted by SAC. The last day to bring in your goods is Thursday December 17, just in time for the holidays. Get into the holiday spirit MCI!

World Issues Society

Do you want to join Martingrove's newest club? Do you want to make a difference on an international scale? Come and discuss with the World Issues Society on Monday in Rm. 142. 

MEC Water Bottle Sales

From December 7th to 11th, MEC is hosting its annual water bottle sales. Come out to the gym hallway at lunch and get an eco-friendly gift for your friends and family. Water bottles are only 8 dollars and you have 5 days left Martingrove.

Meetings of the Day

  • <3 GSA <3 - @ Lunch - Rm. 236
  • World Action Council - @ Lunch - Rm. 238