Monday December 19th, 2016

Martingrove United Way

Hey Martingrove! This season is the season of giving. United Way will be hosting a Syrian needs exchange on Wednesday, December 21st! We are looking to collect unused toys or kitchen utensils.Please bring them in on Wednesday, December 21st and all donations will be going to Syrian families that need it. In exchange we'll give you back free baked goods! So come on down!


Page and Security applications are now available in the MMUN mailbox. Fill out your application and drop it back before Wednesday, December 21, 2016.

Key Club

Hey Mci, key clubs annual candy cane sale is coming up this week. you can buy a candy cane for 50 cents each! either buy one and have one delivered or get one right away. Make sure to come to the conference room at lunch this week.

Reach for the top

There are 2 senior quarterfinal games today! In the first half of lunch, quarterfinal 1: team alpha vs new Brunswick. In the second half of lunch, quarterfinal 2: Adam sims vs reach for mediocrity. Good luck to all teams!


Attention all engineering club members

Meetings of the Day

  • MCITime - Room