Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome back Martingrove, to another awesome year!

Youth Community Forum today

Do you have concerns about police checks of youth in our community?
You are invited to a community forum at RAY (Rathburn Area Youth) TODAY from 6:30 - 8:30.
Share your views and experiences with street checks at a roundtable discussion with community leaders.
Your voice matters!
See poster outside Guidance for more information.

Important notes from Guidance!

  1. Welcome back! We look forward to working with you this year.
  2. If you took a summer school course with another school board or with a private school, you must bring your report to Guidance to get the mark entered on your transcript. This is especially important if you need to prove that you have earned the prerequisite for a course you are currently enrolled in. Please bring report cards in ASAP.
  3. Registration for semester 1 night school and eLearning credits has begun! You must request a course online. Pick up an information sheet in Guidance with all of the steps explained.
  4. If you have requested a change in your timetable, check the file folder in Guidance to see if it has been made. Counsellors are working hard to make changes and course availability is constantly changing--keep checking the folder before school, after school, or at lunch.