Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AP Exams

This message is for all Grade 12 students. In July, your AP scores will be available online. You must sign up at apscore.org now to get your AP scores. Any problems, see Ms. Righetti.

AP Exams

Attention MCI! All of this week and next week we will be having AP Exams in the Auditorium. We ask you to please remain quiet when around the Aud.

Mental Health Week

How well do you know yourself? When do you do your best work? Find the right time to get your work done. Take the time for personal reflection and figure out how and when you do your best work, you'll find that you become more efficient. For more information on where you can go for help, speak to a parent, a school staff member or go to www.kidshelpphone.ca. 

Stratford Trip

Would the following students please se Mr. Kay to pay their final installment of their ticket for the Stratford Trip: Josie Sloan, Carly Richards, Hamdah Shabbir, and Chantal Meyer.

Meetings of the Day

  • Beacon - @ Lunch - Rm. 140
  • MCI Robotics Team - @ Lunch - Rm. 110