Thursday, May 21, 2015

Athletic Banquet

The Athletic Banquet is Tuesday June 2nd. Tickets are 10 dollars and are being sold outside the gym from May 20th to 28th. Doors open at 5:30, dinner is at 6:00. All MCI students are welcome to attend. Come celebrate athletics at MCI!

Scholarship with tight deadline!

Grads are invited to apply for the Abercrombie Scholarship worth approximately $500. Applicants must be leaders in their community and must be involved in athletics.
Martingrove can nominate only two students for this aware. Applications are available in Guidance by 4 pm on Wednesday, May 27.

Reminder to students who applied to Ontario universities

All universities are required to let you know whether you have been accepted or denied a place by next Thursday, May 28. 
You must respond by Monday, June 1 on the OUAC site.

Meetings of the Day

  • United Way - @ Lunch - Rm. 112